Support Plans

Optimize your IT with our comprehensive support plans – tailored for reliability and security.

Support Plan Terms and Conditions

Devices Supported – iPhones, iPads, Apple Computers, macOS and Windows computers. Services for other devices/operating systems are at the discretion of DC Computers and may not be supported.

Gold Plan – Designed for one user- includes 1 iPhone, 1 iPad, and up to 3 computers. Multiple Apple ids not belonging to the purchaser will not be supported. Other accounts or users will not be supported. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to clarify any questions regarding services, devices, users and accounts covered during the refund period. No refunds will be given outside the refund period.

Platinum Plan – Designed for 2 users. It includes 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, and up to 6 computers. Apple ID’s must belong to purchaser. Any other users/accounts will not be supported. It is the duty of the purchaser to clarify any questions regarding services, devices, users, and accounts covered during the refund period. No refunds will be given outside the refund period.

In-store Help and Remote help – Appointments may be required for remote assistance and in-store help, depending on the issue and availability. DC Computers will give priority to purchaser but cannot guarantee immediate help. Some issues may not be serviceable remotely and may need to be brought into the store.

In-store and remote help is not a guarantee of results. While we will do our best to solve your issue(s). Sometimes there are issues out of our control and may not be fixable. Please note the purchaser is paying for DC Computers time and expertise – not a specific result.

Services may only be used for purchaser’s personal computers. Friends, family, employees, etc are not included in the plan. Please note: Services are meant for iPhones, iPads, Apple Computers, macOS and Windows computers.

Remote Help – DC Computers uses Team Viewer for Remote help. Remote help requires purchaser have TeamViewer installed on their computer and updated to the latest version.
Remote Help is not available for all services including but not limited to: computer password reset, malware/virus clean, computer storage opVmizaVon, some printer setups and other issues not specifically listed here.

Refund Period –Refunds will be issued within 30 days for either support plan so long as no service has been rendered. If any services have been performed, no refunds will be given. No exceptions will be made.